Because VanCAF 2024 takes place in a city-owned public building, we must follow the facilities regulations when it comes to COVID-19 precautions. This means we cannot enforce the wearing of masks. All VanCAF Volunteers are requested to mask at the Festival and we have asked all exhibitors to mask.  All VanCAF staff will be masked during the Festival. We greatly encourage the use of masks when attending VanCAF and we will provide free masks at entrance points and throughout the venue.

We want everyone to be as healthy as possible and we thank you in advance for keeping others safe. Con crud was a thing even before the crud was COVID. The number of exhibitors tabling at VanCAF has been reduced to provide more personal space for exhibitors and attendees alike but are still likely crowded. Doors to the outside will be open at all times to increase ventilation. 

And, of course: if you have any symptoms of illness, please stay home!